09 NOV 2015 by ideonexus
The Russian Religion of Spaceflight
The space programme was presented as the result of the great work of the proletariat. The Moon, a 1965 film by Pavel Pavel Klushantsev, presents a future in which Soviet people live a life of peace and progress on the colonised moon, thanks to the technological advances capable under communism. We had made it to the stars and, as the saying went, “there was no bearded old God there”. Only science. Only the Soviet system.
Space themes were woven into everyday life, into endless festivals ...06 FEB 2015 by ideonexus
The Proactionary Principle
People’s freedom to innovate technologically is valuable to humanity. The burden of proof therefore belongs to those who propose restrictive measures. All proposed measures should be closely scrutinized.
Evaluate risk according to available science, not popular perception, and allow for common reasoning biases.
Give precedence to ameliorating known and proven threats to human health and environmental quality over acting against hypothetical risks.
Treat technological risks on the sa...Folksonomies: transhumanism extropian
Folksonomies: transhumanism extropian
Alternative to the precautionary principle.